Bitching Corner

One factor all females (and males) have in common is, that none of us knows how the other person feels about anything unless it's verbally expressed and even then you can't really know how someone else feels unless you walk in their shoes. As humans, we walk around sometimes in a daze and other times lost in our thoughts. Yet all people have experienced more negative than positive elements in their life and this is based on many factors, our upbringing, friends, and the online social crap we engage in. Some human experiences are mild while others are extreme. Either way, it impacts our choices, decisions, and how we live our lives. However, the pain never goes away from our trauma but it can be managed so one may overcome those mental obstacles to move forward. And this is crucial moving forward. It's only when we hold on to the pain, and hold on to the past that keeps us unstable, instead of grounded. Going through life I've crossed numerous people and always find some white girl dumping her shit on me as if I'm her mother. It's common for white people to dump on people of color but not acceptable. I guess they ignorantly assume I have the answers to life, I don't. Everyone's path in life is different and will be seen through a different lens. So if at any time you feel this way from someone dumping their personal shit on you, I strongly suggest, that you find the courage to tell that person exactly what you think. If you allow them to do this, it will later eat at you, because you didn't speak up for yourself and most importantly, you just gave that person the approval to disrespect you.

Another tip is if a white female regardless of age starts complaining about her son or some other family member, or something they did that bothers her, and then you find yourself replying only to share a similar situation, (like sisters)  then she responds with sarcasm patronizing you, that is a disrespectful white bitch!  She does it with intent it's a manipulative tactic because she suffers from low self-esteem. So in turn she knocks you down to feel superior as a white female needs to feel. Again find your courage to put that bitch in her place. If a man does this, then allow that masculine aspect of yourself to rise and rip into his ass, so he never forgets you! Of course, choose your words carefully with strength and aggression, you'll feel so much better, I know I do. As for men who are generally intimidated by women as I have experienced. If you have a white man come up to you and stick you with his finger, he's trying to dominate you. React quickly and report his ass to the police, these white men know exactly what they're doing.

It's not the way any of us should be, yet people are living in fear and anger these days more than ever and have no common consideration for the other person. Let me give you an example, I was at the gym and two women walked into the locker room, and one friend said to the other, "My daughter just got her own place", the girl was 18 at the time. Her friend, replies "Oh is she living in a box"? Her tone was extremely sarcastic. I thought what a cunt, with a shit attitude. How many kids at 18 leave on their own and pay their own rent, less than 1% I'm sure? That bitch was no friend and frankly look around everything in society is in the shape of a box, houses, cars, buildings, towns that were built, everything is a box shape. I take walks in the park and as I pass people by, I can hear them bad-mouthing and gossiping about friends and relatives behind their backs, why is that?

Unhappy with their life? Why else or do they despise the person they're speaking about or maybe like me they're pissed off... hahaha my revenge is my therapy. I mean I could beat their ass, but then I'll be arrested, then go to court and have to take anger management classes which is all bullshit. Remember the Uni Bomber, now there's a man who went down in flames. It's okay I'm good and telling people what I think 90% of the time. It's not easy being a "rod iron bitch" It's taken years of training, but it shows you have courage and you're not taking anyone's shit, because people who behave like this are not respecting you, and are not friends. It's because of these negative attitudes and feelings is why families have broken apart, not supporting each other, and not respecting each other. The politicians have done their part by interfering and subjecting all of us to hate, but we too have fallen into the traps. All I'm saying is choose what you will accept or not, life is not easy and people have made it harder when living in society. People interfere, make accusations, and make false claims against one another to hurt each other, the war is ongoing. Instead of helping one another, and providing support like we should.

My parents had a very hard marriage, but I was fortunate to have had both of them, many children today have lost the security of a home with both parents. However, when parents are working against each other instead of working with each other for the better of the family it hurts everyone. No one needs a lot of friends in life, people only need a couple of good friends, but as humans, there's always that chance those friends will disappoint you. Just be careful about whom and how you invest your time with, as people being what they are, they're bound to take your energy from you and it's not worth it. Those are called vampires. As for women regardless of age or race, I've closely observed the female sex who bitches and complains about the most petty of situations, women are now become the problem in society, not men and it needs to be addressed. I still support that women regardless of age form a strong sisterhood, but to do this "trust" must be a key factor and that is something I feel needs to be earned and never given away. Let's try and understand one another instead of ongoing judgment, because inside we are all the same.

The following link is to the PodCasts of rants by AngryGirl.